In Love With Me, At 43

Good September, my sweet little kittens…

Today is a day of GRAND appreciation…I’m turning 43 today and oh, has the Lord blessed me!

Me at 3 with a cake of Wonder Woman that my mother had made. To this day, I love this icon. Can’t believe this was not only taken 40 years ago, but that I can also see my nearly 3yr old daughter staring back at me.

I would like to say that this day is all about me…but that’s not only untrue, it is unwanted. I can choose to take any day solely for myself, so this day, I choose to engulf myself in the thoughts, sentiments and love I have for those who have seen me and/or helped me get to this place.

There was a time, not too distant in my past, where I was consumed with unhappiness and depression. Fantasies of suicide filled many of my waking hours. I was convinced that my sweet toddler deserved some other mother-figure to raise her…anyone but me. And…I often would tell my husband this, breaking his heart, each and every time. He was afraid to leave me with her while he went to work and I shudder to think the type of turmoil and pain I caused him…yet, he stayed and loved me through it.

Fast-forward to today, I have joy, peace and emotional security. My weight is down, overall health is well, my daughter is a whirlwind of incredible wonder and delight, my husband loves us and my home-baking business, Fabulista Cookies is growing.

I can appreciate allllll of the suffering, pain and questioning that has happened over my lifetime and there have been many, but the smell of crisp morning air has a way of slowing me down and reminding me that God painted the sky just for me that day. I am not alone or forgotten or insignificant. I matter to those of value in my life…how could I go wrong with that?

This is not to say that I live in a wonderland of flowers talking back to me, kittens, no, it is to say that even though I have relatives that don’t acknowledge or support me, “friends” who side-eye and covet what I have and some financial hang-ups, I’m still in love with me, at 43. I’VE MADE IT so much further than an unenumerable amount of people, healthy or not and because of this, I choose to make “my day” about further appreciating others who have loved me when I was unlovable.

Sure I’m awake when my husband and daughter are soundly tucked away in bed…but not disrupting them for my own selfishness is one way of me loving and putting them first. I will likely cook a meal today rather than it being served to me, and that too is okay because I have a family to cook for who enjoys eating my food. What a gift.

I even accept birthday wishes differently because no one is obligated to well-wish you…and so when the effort is made, regardless if they remembered on their own or had a social media prompting, I’m blessed and flattered by it, not offended by the how, when and or if one even came at all….because ultimately, who cares? God wishes me a Happy Birthday each time I am able to close the day out as a family and start again together the next day.

Happy Birthday to me…you’ve come a long way baby…

I love you Kittens…make the special effort to acknowledge someone’s birthday, accomplishment or effort to reach a goal…it may be the only support they receive.