The Burden of Options

Well hellllloooooo there, Kittens!

Soooo, this morning I wanted to write…only, I have yet to settle on a topic. There are entirely way too many to choose from and I’ve only got an hour to whip it together.

Have you ever been paralyzed by the inability to decide? Happens to my husband alllllll the time when we are out eating. DRIVES…ME…NUTS. He will seem ready to order but as he’s ordering, he will begin to “hmmm-ahhhh-welllll…give me a minute, please.” He usually changes/rearranges/orders the same thing almost every time. I usually take this time to figure out what I want and then purr it out like the Bad Cali Kittie that I am…MEOW, honey!

Writing on the other hand, at least for today, I become more like my husband, testing one topic and then circling around to another. I was born in the 70’s so growing up in the 80’s and 90’s, technology and options were starting to get it’s momentum; it has been overwhelming since. Personally kittens, I think we do better with fewer options…say 10 instead of the 580,000 for any one topic, gadget…or even person.

In a world of 31 flavors…what is the likelihood that you will go outside of your usual 3? Why do people tend to date a certain type even though there are a bazillion different types of people? Why do we have so many home improvement shows on tv if they are all basically doing the same? Why do some cable companies support hundreds of channels when even the most dedicated homebody couldn’t cover even a third of what is offered? Could it be a case of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)? Possibly, but it could also be that options give us a sense of power of choice.

When we have fewer options, we feel less expansive and confinement can lead people to seek a way out. Isn’t that what has happened and continues to happen with technology? This phone “only” does 720 things…let’s find a way to make it an even 800. Even in relationships, masses tend to “date” multiple people at once to “weigh their options”.

The good thing about being a writer kittens, is that a thread of thought can become an intricately crocheted blanket of exploration and conversation. My inability to decide what to write has now produced a whole post on the subject…and for that, I thank you.

Today, why not ponder what options has you paralyzed in love, work, emotions, spirituality…well, basically, in life. A well rounded kitten is the best to be…so get to thinking…and don’t forget to be a blessing to someone today…even if that someone is YOU.



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