Busy Little Kitty


Afternoon Kittens…

So I’ve given up on pressuring myself to write errrry day…and now I only write when I put fingers to keys.  I know that whole deal about “Writers, write”…well, if you’re a killer, you only have to do it once to maintain that title…so…I will confidently hold onto my title as a writer.

I’m in the midst of a transitional period right now…I’ve been unemployed since Feb, I’m seeing someone…sorta, I think…I’m looking to leave my home to go and stay with a sister and to embark on the adventurous unknown.  I can only be confident, not to mention joyful, that God has me in His care and that He loves this little “mud baby” with all His heart.

Soooo, I’ve also been going to the gym…am almost 10lbs down and I’m really feelin’ myself…like seriously, you would think I had lost 40lbs the way I’ve been batting my eyes around and swingin’ these hips.  Not sure if it’s my nearly invisible 10lbs lost or the confidence I’m exuding that has been bringing all the boys to the yard, but I’ll take it.

Did I mention I damn near live in a rubberized girdle?  Mmm-hmmm…if I get to moving around too much it smells like a race track, but it keeps the extra goo tucked in a bit.  Here’s a little confession…I like when I’m working out and then I start to smell some funk…why…’cause I’m puttin in work, bay-bee!! If I can push past the layers of Degree I’ve slathered on, then I just KNOW that I’m doing something.  I joked to a trainer that I wanted to work off my grizzle (gut) and that once I got going, he was gonna smell bacon.  And that by the time I left the gym, it was gonna be smelling like IHOP in there…(sorry if I just ruined breakfast delights for you).

I’m optimistic about the days ahead, but will gladly take any donations you would like to send my way...seriously, I haven’t worked since Feb…help a sistah out, will ya? *rattles tin coffee cup*

Alright….I better do something about the stuff under the stairs that needs sorting or packing or discarding. Gotta act like I’m going to be the only ant hauling stuff in and out on moving day.  That’s surely motivation enough for me.

Okay Kittens...go be useful…do something you have been putting off before I put these (metaphorically speaking) boots to your sweet little kitty asses.  LOVE YOU!



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